The groundbreaking for the new logistics center in Peggau took place on April 28th . The first key account, Mayr-Melnhof Karton Gesellschaft m.b.H., was presented.
The article can be found here >>
On the picture: (from left) Mag. Lang (Hypo Vbg), Dr. Rath (Steiermärkische), Bmstr. Pucher (SAGER Gruppe), Mag. Gerhold (Hypo Vbg), LR MMAg. Eibinger-Miedl, Bgm. Salomon, Mag. Schleiss (Mayr-Melnhof), GF Sager (SAGER Gruppe), Bmstr. Puntigam (Östu-Stettin)
Fotograf: Oliver Wolf